Health benefits of a Vegan Diet

Veganism is becoming a trend and it catching on as well, especially in big metros like Mumbai. But what is veganism exactly? Simply put, it is a plant-based diet that cuts all dairy products and of course, non-vegetarian foods from the meal. And, it is supposed to have great health benefits as well. Read on to know more about a vegan meal plan for good health. It’s rich in nutrients A vegan meal plan is supposed to be nutrient-rich with more antioxidants, fibre, magnesium. potassium, folic acid, phytochemicals, and vitamins A, C and E. A healthy and balanced vegan meal consists of vegetables, fruits, beans, peas, grains, pulses, seeds, and nuts, thus offering all the necessary foods for the body. It helps to maintain healthy weight It is observed that those who adopt a plant-based diet have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who include animal products. This is because most vegan foods have far less saturated fats than non-vegetarian options. Also, a vegan meal plan has...