Health benefits of a Vegan Diet

Veganism is becoming a trend and it catching on as well, especially in big metros like Mumbai. But what is veganism exactly? Simply put, it is a plant-based diet that cuts all dairy products and of course, non-vegetarian foods from the meal. And, it is supposed to have great health benefits as well. Read on to know more about a vegan meal plan for good health.

It’s rich in nutrients

A vegan meal plan is supposed to be nutrient-rich with more antioxidants, fibre, magnesium. potassium, folic acid, phytochemicals, and vitamins A, C and E. A healthy and balanced vegan meal consists of vegetables, fruits, beans, peas, grains, pulses, seeds, and nuts, thus offering all the necessary foods for the body.

It helps to maintain healthy weight

It is observed that those who adopt a plant-based diet have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who include animal products. This is because most vegan foods have far less saturated fats than non-vegetarian options. Also, a vegan meal plan has less calories naturally thus promoting weight loss easily. So, vegans are thinner and achieve a healthy body weight effortlessly.

It reduces pain from arthritis

According to studies, a plant-based diet significantly reduces the pain, swelling of joints, morning stiffness experienced by those suffering from arthritis. Vegans also experience higher energy levels and overall better functioning due to probiotic foods. Such foods also boost the good bacteria in the large intestine and aid the absorption of nutrients.

Lowers the risk of heart disease

Since vegan meal plan is more or less a balanced one, studies observed that those who followed this diet may have a 42 percent less risk of a heart ailment and deaths caused by such disease. Also, vegan meals consist of naturally less calories, lowering the BMI, which in turn reduces the risk of obesity. Obesity itself is a huge reason for heart disease and a plant-based diet reduces this cause.

Lowers the risk of cancer

It has also been observed that a vegan diet can also reduce the risk of cancer by 15 per cent. This diet is rich in vitamins, fibre, and phytochemicals, which are biologically active compounds in plants.  These compounds protect against some cancers such as breast, prostate and colon. A typical vegan meal consists of vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, etc., which are good for health.

A vegan meal plan may seem slightly hard to adopt, but in a big city like Mumbai, it is quite simple. Apart from the numerous health benefits it offers, it is also kinder to our planet and its other inhabitants—animals. Besides, a plant-based diet is also a mood enhancer in a way since those who follow it score better on depression tests. Moreover, this diet is also good for the skin, which always needs vitamins and antioxidants and a vegan meal offers loads of it. 


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