
Showing posts from 2019

Top 5 Sports Nutrition Tips

Sport is a form of extensive workout where diet plays a significant role. To boost up your performance, you need nutritious and healthy food that will provide enough fuel to your body. So, let's have a look at the top five nutritional tips. ●      Healthy food doesn't necessarily mean that it will taste bad. Give your tastebuds a delightful treat foods power-packed with nutrients like berries, dark chocolate, flaxseeds, garlic, ginger, pineapples, pistachios, yam, sweet potatoes, and fat-free yoghurt. Apart from the essential nutrition opt for functional foods like eggs, cinnamon, turmeric, oatmeal, orange juice. Including these in your sports nutritional diet will promote performance and bone health maintain blood sugar level, relieve the pain, and lower the cholesterol ●      Boost your immune system with kefir smoothie, kombucha tea, miso soup, sauerkraut, and kimchi. These fermented foods help to keep diseases at bay. Keeping you...

A Functional Medicine Approach to Obesity: 10 Ways to Lose Weight & Keep It Off

We're currently facing an obesity epidemic. More than 30% of the World's population is facing the problem of being overweight. Obesity is not an issue of aesthetics or appearance but is the first step towards a host of diseases like diabetes, cardiac issues, etc. This, fighting this epidemic is on the priority list for the global healthcare sector. Conventional approach vs. functional approach to fighting obesity The traditional practices to control weight gain have proved to fail in terms of benefitting the population a whole. These practices mainly count on tips and techniques to control weight gain or shedding the gained kilos. Adopted methodologies include some diet plans, gym, appetite control pills, or pills to avoid the absorption of fat. However, despite these practices, the obesity rate has skyrocketed over the years. The functional approach mainly focuses on the causes and offers solutions to combat thereby. This approach lists the causes of obesity ...

Lose Weight and Feel Better With Macrobiotic Diet

The latest and the most famous example of the personality who lose weight with the macrobiotic diet is Madonna. You don't have to give a second look to the renowned personality to see her beauty than what she was before. Principles Of The Macrobiotic Diet The followers of the macrobiotic diet believe that it is not only the food but the cooking and eating process decides the health and the overall happiness of human beings. The renowned nutritionist Dr. Shonali said in one of her articles that it is essential to balance the diet with 'yin' and 'yang' foods. Yin food is cold, sweet, and passive food, whereas yang food is hot, salty, and aggressive. Staples of the Diet A macrobiotic diet defines the consumption of the following content in the daily requirement: ●      Whole grains: 50-60% ●      Vegetables: 25-30% ●      Beans: 5-10% ●      Fish, nuts, seeds, and fruits: 5-20% ● ...

Perfect diet to prevent hair loss

Hair loss can be a big problem for anyo ne and everyone. Receding hairlines and bald spots are one thing which can give men or women sleep fewer nights. The problem is that we notice the issue only when we see chunks of hair everywhere. But before that, lathering and rinsing our hair is all we think of. After noticing the problem, we immediately book our appointments with hair experts who then resort to chemical procedures, ultimately leading to more damage.  Have you ever considered checking on what you eat? Yes, diet plays a significant role in maintaining hair health. Below is a list of items that must be included in your diet plan to, prevent hair loss : 1. Carrots: usually carrots are considered beneficial for eyes, but only a few are aware that carrots are equally useful for preventing hair loss. They are rich in vitamin A, which help ensure a healthy scalp, which in turn makes hair shiny and nourished. 2. Walnuts: Walnuts are the most favorite hair fri...