Lose Weight and Feel Better With Macrobiotic Diet

The latest and the most famous example of the personality who lose weight with the macrobiotic diet is Madonna. You don't have to give a second look to the renowned personality to see her beauty than what she was before.

Principles Of The Macrobiotic Diet
The followers of the macrobiotic diet believe that it is not only the food but the cooking and eating process decides the health and the overall happiness of human beings. The renowned nutritionist Dr. Shonali said in one of her articles that it is essential to balance the diet with 'yin' and 'yang' foods. Yin food is cold, sweet, and passive food, whereas yang food is hot, salty, and aggressive.

Staples of the Diet
A macrobiotic diet defines the consumption of the following content in the daily requirement:
     Whole grains: 50-60%
     Vegetables: 25-30%
     Beans: 5-10%
     Fish, nuts, seeds, and fruits: 5-20%
     Soup: 1-2 cups per day
Other than this, the list of items which are to be avoided is termed as 'nightshade vegetables.' The latter includes tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplants, spinach, beets, and avocados. The reason behind the suggestion of avoiding these vegetables is that it contains solanine which disturbs the calcium balance. Adding onto the list of avoiding food items, coffee or caffeinated tea, alcohol, chocolate, hot spices, refined flour, and many of the dietary products may lead to an abnormal increase in weight.

How This Stacks Up For Fat Loss
The advantage of following this diet is it gives several choices in the food items. This makes it easy for the person to maintain the low calories in the diet. But if the coin is flipped, the person can easily overeat themselves and ultimately results in substantial weight.

Another advantage is that the diet follows slow-digesting carbs, and this will give the feeling of fullness to the people following a macrobiotic diet.


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