Perfect diet to prevent hair loss

Hair loss can be a big problem for anyone and everyone. Receding hairlines and bald spots are one thing which can give men or women sleep fewer nights. The problem is that we notice the issue only when we see chunks of hair everywhere. But before that, lathering and rinsing our hair is all we think of. After noticing the problem, we immediately book our appointments with hair experts who then resort to chemical procedures, ultimately leading to more damage. 

Have you ever considered checking on what you eat? Yes, diet plays a significant role in maintaining hair health.

Below is a list of items that must be included in your diet plan to, prevent hair loss:

1. Carrots: usually carrots are considered beneficial for eyes, but only a few are aware that carrots are equally useful for preventing hair loss. They are rich in vitamin A, which help ensure a healthy scalp, which in turn makes hair shiny and nourished.

2. Walnuts: Walnuts are the most favorite hair friendly nuts you can include in your diet plan. They are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, iron, and plenty of proteins. Doctors say that, if you include even a handful of walnuts in your week’s diet, you will not face any hair problem.

3. Eggs: loaded with essential nutrients and proteins, the egg is probably your hair’s best friends. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body is a prime cause for bad hair health. The egg is a storehouse of the nutrients your body, and specifically, your hair, need.

4. Prunes: for all those who are tired of thinning and falling hair, prunes are the ultimate solution. They have been widely known as a popular source of iron and proteins which help maintain quality hair.


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