How To Tell If You Are Going Bald?
Unless you have good quality and healthy hair, nobody ever wants to have this conversation about whether they are going bald or not. The unfortunate truth about this topic is that most men will experience male pattern baldness at some point in their life. And the problem with hair loss is that the longer you wait, the harder you will find it to reverse the damage. And once your hair follicles have fallen out and dead, you will miss the opportunity to regain it back.
So when is the time to take action? Here are some ways to tell if you are going bald:
● Extreme Hair Fall
Extreme hair fall is a self-explanatory reason, but many people ignore this over-shedding of hair at the initial stages. On average, losing 100 strands a day is regular hair fall, but if it's more than that, you surely need to worry about it. Not just this, but many people also experience thinning of the hair with hair fall. So when you notice hair on your pillows. Hair Brushes or in the shower, then it's high time to look for some hair loss programs like availing transplants or following a hair fall diet Mumbai to prevent it as much as possible.
● Hairline is Receding
Receding hairline is a significant sign of potential balding. Unfortunately, it is also one thing that gets ignored, considering that they can reverse the effects. So when you start to notice that your hairline is receding, it's high time you lookout for this issue. The airline receding can be seen while combing the hair and comb your hair in the direction you always did it in the past and then check for the hairline.
Scalp is Visible
When you begin to lose a significant amount of hair, then the scalp slowly exposes your head. This happens because you have lost hair from the top of your head, which earlier used to cover the scalp, and after that, there are chances that you might lose more hair in the future until you develop bald spots. To avoid this issue, it is best to follow a healthy hair care routine by following a hair fall diet Mumbai prescribed by a dermatologist or dietician.
With all of that said, there is no one fixed time for baldness in both males and females. It is important to understand that you have to take immediate action when the problem shows up and understand that the hair care regime takes time to show results.
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